Wednesday, August 15, 2007

do we stand or sit?

So today, my brother, Chris, got word that he passed his test for staff Sergent sec. He gets stripes and a pay raise! always good with a baby on the way! Today is also his birthday! What a great birthday present.

He was notified that he needed to show up at 4pm in his dress uniform to receive a handshake from the colonel and other higher ups. We all piled into the car (chris, zeraline, zeahne and myself). zeahne and I played on this gigantic kid play thing for 1/2 hour while we waited for the higher ups to show up. they finally came and zeraline and I were each sitting in a seat while chris was pacing and the other guy who made staff was sitting in a chair shaking his leg he was so nervous. So all these people come in and Chris and Chris (that was the other guys name) immediately stand and look all professional and zeraline and i look at each other. she whispers "should we stand?" and I said I have no idea...i looked at chris to ask him but he was to focused on not moving to pay attention to us and zeahne was in a chair that spins and was just spinning to his hearts content oblivious to what all was going on:) We didn't stand, chris got his stripes , certificate, a hand shake, and a salute. some coins were tossed and lots of handshakes went around. we did get a picture for my mom and i will post it as soon as i can.

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