Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cafe de House Church

We had our house church over last night for dinner. It was a lot of fun. We had about 24 people over. We were amazed that we could cram that many into our apartment:) We had Chicken Salsa, Salad, bread, spanish rice. It turned out really nice. Following dinner was a birthday celebration with Tracy's famous DKA cupcakes that she made for jason, luke, and nick. These cupcakes are so rich and sugary that the joke is when you eat one your body goes into diabetic ketoacidosis. Following desert came a mean game of Apples to Apples. Possibly the best quote from the game came from Blake with "I am more selfish than a black whole".
Here are the birthday boys. Jason (today), Luke(tomorrow), and Nick(yesterday) (L-R)

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