Mark our captain and Rob the 1st mate

these were the two boats that were used for our group. The boat on the left was ours.

sweet dolphins swimming next to our boat

Map of Oahu (the left side is the wai'anae, bottom is leeward, top is north shore and the right side is the windward)

this is the wai'anae side of the island. this part of the island is more deserty. very cool!

wai'anae more toward the northern tip

cool north shore sign

jumping rock at Waimea Bay

lush vegetation at the north shore

brooke, sarah, kim, and amy at a scenic lookout on Pali Hwy

sarah, the awesome vine swinger.

even through the blurriness, you can see the size of Amy's smile!

Brooke really got some good air! thunk into a tree:) hehe

Ohhhhh my....here we go!:) Weeeeeeeee!

our picture at Pali Lookout...very windy!

Chinamen's hat off the windward coast or as Solomon our poi loving tour guide calls it Mokoli'i

more beautiful windward coast

light house by diamond head

paraglider near diamond head

the famous blowhole brings us the end of our drive! fantastic fun!
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