What a busy weekend we had! Saturday we went to Ko'Olina Lagoons. They were man made in the 1990's. Are very nice to swim in due to the protection from the sea by the semi-circular aspect of the lagoon. They are fun to snorkel in also! I haven't been snorkeling in about 9 years, so that first time back under the water just breathing through my mouth was a little stressful...had to make an effort to slow my breathing and relax. I only saw 2 fish...and they weren't exotic...just your plan old fish in the water:) But I did see this Hawaiian dude carrying this fish that kind of looked like Dory from Finding Nemo. Very fun!
Sunday, I went out on my own to Walmart near Pearl City. That means driving on the big H-1 by myself! wooohooo! went and came back and did not get lost! I am doing way better in Hawaii than I did in New Jersey! ha! those who were with me know what i am talking about;) can anyone say jug handle? Where's the left turn at?
Chris, Zeraline, and Zeahne LOVE to fish! they are able to keep the fish that they catch and eat it for dinner! So today, before church, we went fishing! Just for everyone's information....I do not fish...I haven't fished for uhmmmm...like 20 years and when I did fish...the fish jumped into the sail boat. so it was very interesting. These people are hard core fishers! Zeraline has caught 2 hammer heads (baby ones...but still...SHARKS!) and Chris has caught one. Zeahne caugh an eel. not your average place to catch blue gills. i let them fish and I walked along the peir type thing and then sat and read and then made some phone calls;)
We then came back and those who smelled of fish took showers and then we went to church. It was Word International Ministries (http://www.wordinternational.com/). Chris started to go here when he first came to Hawaii and this is the church that married he and Zeraline. I was so looking forward to meeting the body of Christ here! I went in and was immediately welcomed with numerous hugs and handshakes! The presence of the Holy Spirit was definitely present. The message was on living the legacy that you want to leave. He spoke on having a legacy of faith (Eph 1:11 and Romans 12:2), growth (2 Cor 3:18, 1 Cor 13:11), character (1 Tim 4:15, Philippians 2:5, 2 rom 2:15, 1 Peter 3:15-16, and Eph 5:15), and leadership (James 2:14,17, 26; John 13:17, Matt 25:35-36)
Here are some questions:
1. What are you doing today that will matter tomorrow?
2. What are some things that help me to grow in Christ?
3. What are some things that don't help me to grow in Christ?
4. What is your plan now for growth?
5. What is your plan for the growth of others around you?
I hope this challenges you as it did me!
be careful what you say about Jersey!
ohhh...that is right jersey boy! jug handles:) hehe! all in all it was a great trip that allowed me to witness your and elizabeth's beautiful wedding...and visit NYC with friends:)
hi kim!
i love reading your blog and catching up on your exciting adventures. :) i shared the silversmith story with my mom and we both loved it.
are ya'll being affected by the hurricane? i'll be praying everyone stays safe.
love ya!
katie d
ps - very cute bathing suit! ;)
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