katie - this one is for you
1. What time did you get up this morning? 10:30am (stayed up late last night)
2. Diamonds or pearls? pearls
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Ocean 13
4. What is your favorite TV show? Lost/Grey's Anatomy
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? cereal
6. What was your nickname as a child? Kimmie/kimmy
7. What is your middle name? Suzanne
8. What food do you dislike? spicy food.
9. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Pride and Prejudice soundtrack
10. What do you drive? I am paying for a Ford Ranger but right now I am driving a Ford Focus
11. Favorite sandwich? PB&J
12. What characteristics do you despise? PRIDE
13. Favorite item of clothing? Bathing suit:)
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? considering that I am living in hawaii right now...Scotland/Ireland would be next:)
15. What color is your bathroom? military issued white
16. Favorite brand of clothing? anything that will fit:)
17. Where would you retire to? hawaii? love it here:)
18. What was your most recent memorable birthday?it will probably be this years because i will be in hawaii for it:) wooohooo!
19. Favorite sport to watch? football/figure skating
20. Farthest place you are sending this? the world wide web...so in essence..the WORLD
21. Who do you least expect to send this back? everybody...it's not an e-mail...but if you want to send me an e-mail about yourself feel free;)
22. Who do expect most likely to respond? who knows
23. Favorite saying? righteous/dude/right on/high five/score (thank you tracy)
24. When is your birthday? october 5
25. Are you a morning person or a night person? more of a night person but on rare occasions can be a morning person
26. What is your shoe size? 9 - 9.5
27. Pets? None
28. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? uhhmmmm......
29. What did you want to be when you were little? a teacher/marine biologist
30. How are you today? dandy
31. What is your favorite candy? reece pieces or p-nut butter cups
32. What is your favorite flower? possibly daisies
33. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?it already came...aug 6th...fly date to hawaii:)...but next one would be tomorrow when Brooke, Amy, and Sarah come to Hawaii!
34. What church do you attend? I am a memeber of APEX community in dayton...in hawaii...i have tried out Word international and New Hope Leeward
33. What is your full name? Kimberly Suzanne Holliday
34. What are you listening to right now? I have the TV on listening/watching to a movie that i forget the name of:0 hehe Day after tomorrow
35. What was the last thing you ate? i just ate a packet of p-nut butter crackers
36. Do you wish on stars? no..but isn't it neat to know that God made them all;)
37. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Screamin' Green
38. How is the weather right now? HOT.
39. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My bro
40. Do you like the person who sent this to you? like her, i love her! she is fantastic friend!
41. Favorite soft drink? Dr. Pepper and Rootbeer
42. Favorite restaurant? Sake (Japaneses restaurant in Dayton with Hibachi grills:) FUN!
43. Hair color? light brown with natural blond, dark brown, and red highlights
44. Siblings? 2 and a sister-in-law
45. Favorite day of the year? not sure
46. What was your favorite toy as a child?uhmm...maybe a ragity ann doll? not sure...mom any help?
47. Summer or winter? fall/spring
48. Hugs or kisses? hugs...for now!
49. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla
50. Do you want your friends to email you their answers? Yes.
51. When was the last time you cried?Aug 6th when i met my sister-in-law and nephew for the first time;) happy tears!
52. What is under your bed? nothing...the mattress and box springs are on the floor;)
53. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Esther (4th grade...i think...wow!)
54. What did you do last night? went swimming in the Pacific Ocean;)
55. Favorite smell? clean linens from yankee candle
56. What are you afraid of? not making a difference
57. Plain, buttered, or salted Popcorn? kettle corn
58. How many keys on your key ring? i left my keys in ohio...chris's keys have 4...
59. How many years at your current job? 1.5 years
60. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
61. How many towns have you lived in? 7 (roanoke, springfield, new carlisle, huber heights, beavercreek, centerville, and now honolulu)
62. Do you make friends easily? yes
63. How many people will you be sending this to? uhmmmm....i don't know how many people read this thing...so it could be 2 or 200?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
So...I called and spoke with the head nurse in the ICU unit and I am going to Tripler tomorrow to meet her and look at the unit. She told me on the phone that I can wait until then to give her an answer.I am being reassured that, because I am following God's plan for direction right now, this is part of his plan. please continue to pray for guidance and wisdom to do God's will!
Zeraline does have somebody who could take zeahne to school on the days that she is not up to walking...8 and 9 months pregnant and walking is always on the top of the to do list:)...and i have the car. Chris leaves 9/11 for Iraq so that is quickly approaching as well.
Brooke, Amy, and Sarah are going to be landing in honolulu in less than 24 hours! wooohoooo! i am so excited to see them and hang out with them!
Yesterday, I went to chinatown and walked around. I ate lunch at Little Village Noodle Soup. yummy! I then went to Wallace theater and watch Oceans 13 for $1. great for the budget! After the movie, i went down the street to Ala Moana and went swimming in the ocean and reading on the beach! great day all in all.
lots of stuff going on trying to get chris ready to deploy and getting everything taking care of for while he is gone!
Zeraline does have somebody who could take zeahne to school on the days that she is not up to walking...8 and 9 months pregnant and walking is always on the top of the to do list:)...and i have the car. Chris leaves 9/11 for Iraq so that is quickly approaching as well.
Brooke, Amy, and Sarah are going to be landing in honolulu in less than 24 hours! wooohoooo! i am so excited to see them and hang out with them!
Yesterday, I went to chinatown and walked around. I ate lunch at Little Village Noodle Soup. yummy! I then went to Wallace theater and watch Oceans 13 for $1. great for the budget! After the movie, i went down the street to Ala Moana and went swimming in the ocean and reading on the beach! great day all in all.
lots of stuff going on trying to get chris ready to deploy and getting everything taking care of for while he is gone!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
prayer request
i just received a phone call from American Mobile about an ICU position that is open at Tripler Medical Center. They have submitted my resume and have given me the number to call to speak with the manager. After being here for 2 1/2 weeks there are a few hesitations in me taking a full time job that will have me away for 14-16 hours a day depending if i take the car or the bus. If i take the car then zeraline at 8 and 9 months would have to walk 1/2 mile to take and pick zeahne up from school on the days that i would work (normally 3 days a week). If i take the bus, I would have to leave at like 5amish to make sure i am at work on time and wouldn't get home until 9ish if i left on time. If my mission in coming here is to be a helper to zeraline, would this be helping? And would I still be able to minister to other women? lots of questions going through my mind...please be praying that God wills be done.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Who wants to have a baby?
so this morning/afternoon i got a burr to go do some site seeing. I grabbed my bus maps and bag and took off to catch my bus #19! That was at 1:30pm. I had it planned out. today was the day i was going to traverse the coast of oahu via The Bus. woohoo! well...it was 3pm before i even got close to Waikiki. Guess my plans changed. now i was going to see at least 1/2 of the windward coast. So I went past Diamond Head and Hanauma Bay and bus #22 was making its way to sea life park which is where i needed to catch bus #57 to continue up the coast and loop back around toward honolulu.
So i was sitting there waiting for the bus, taking some pictures of the beautiful mountains when this 40ish, overweight guy sits next to me, i think he worked for The Bus system. He yawns very loudly and i look at him and ask him if he had a long day. His reply is not long enough to not spend the rest of it making babies with you. I busted out laughing. I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants. I replied with something like...thanks but no thanks. and he said what? you don't like me? I said it isn't about like...i don't know you. besides, i have a headache. (tamara, i forgot to tell you that:) he started laughing and said you don't want to take a hawaiian baby back to your country with you? I looked at him and said, "dude, this is my country!" and he said i meant back to the main land. I said if i have a hawaiian baby you better bet i am staying here in hawaii. he said no way can you stay...you have to take baby back to main land with you. I said... look there is no way this will work out... we are fighting over our kids already. sorry man but its a no. he looked at me and laughed and said have a great day. i said the same to you! it was clearly in jest and just a lets see what this tourist will do...well haha to you mr. bus man. i got you!
so, i got on my bus #57 heading back toward honolulu. If you are on a bus and don't know where you are going...if you stay on it long enough it will eventually lead you back to Ala Moana Shoppping Center. All buses lead to the shopping center (i actually don't know if that is true or not...but it seems like it:) I got off at Ala Moana, ate supper, and walked across the street to the Ala Moana beach front. sat in the sand, wrote a letter (hey chad), and took some pictures. It was a very nice evening. then i went home and told Chris and Zeraline about my baby's daddy.

So i was sitting there waiting for the bus, taking some pictures of the beautiful mountains when this 40ish, overweight guy sits next to me, i think he worked for The Bus system. He yawns very loudly and i look at him and ask him if he had a long day. His reply is not long enough to not spend the rest of it making babies with you. I busted out laughing. I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants. I replied with something like...thanks but no thanks. and he said what? you don't like me? I said it isn't about like...i don't know you. besides, i have a headache. (tamara, i forgot to tell you that:) he started laughing and said you don't want to take a hawaiian baby back to your country with you? I looked at him and said, "dude, this is my country!" and he said i meant back to the main land. I said if i have a hawaiian baby you better bet i am staying here in hawaii. he said no way can you stay...you have to take baby back to main land with you. I said... look there is no way this will work out... we are fighting over our kids already. sorry man but its a no. he looked at me and laughed and said have a great day. i said the same to you! it was clearly in jest and just a lets see what this tourist will do...well haha to you mr. bus man. i got you!
so, i got on my bus #57 heading back toward honolulu. If you are on a bus and don't know where you are going...if you stay on it long enough it will eventually lead you back to Ala Moana Shoppping Center. All buses lead to the shopping center (i actually don't know if that is true or not...but it seems like it:) I got off at Ala Moana, ate supper, and walked across the street to the Ala Moana beach front. sat in the sand, wrote a letter (hey chad), and took some pictures. It was a very nice evening. then i went home and told Chris and Zeraline about my baby's daddy.

me trying some photo tricks with pictures in my sunglasses
it kinda worked:) in the left lense you are seeing a reflection of Honolulu and in the right lense you are seeing the beach and sunset.
it kinda worked:) in the left lense you are seeing a reflection of Honolulu and in the right lense you are seeing the beach and sunset.

close up of the beach and sunset! Enjoy!

more of the sun setting at Ala Moana Beach

Beautiful sunset

On Sunday after church at Hickam Harbor

These next 4 are at Sea Life park while waiting for the bus

Monday, August 20, 2007
40, new hope, bible study with zeraline
40: 40 what?...bucks, fish, hours? 40 what? well... so on Friday we went hiking...see previous blogs to read about that. What I didn't realize was that by combining sweat, water, mud, heat, and tropical rainforestey area, that people, is a great equation for MOSQUITOES!!!! yeah...that is right folks...40. 40 BUG BITES on my arms, legs, and upper back. Praise the Lord that none got UNDER my clothes...that would have been horrific! AHHHHH! anyway...i am an itching crazy lady right now. i got that anti-itch cream stuff from walmart and 4 hours of peace and then the itchy came back with an intensity that should be criminal! not gonna use the cream anymore...deal with constant itching rather than relief and then TORTURE! Joy of hawaii...hah...nah...just joking...I would take 40 bug bites and constant itching to be here...I kept hearing before i left...you will not want to come home. well....that may be true! it may be REALLY hard to get on that plane in January!:)
New Hope: Went to a church this am called New Hope Leeward. it is a rather large church that is in 3 different locations, with the newest location starting today. my location was in a regal theater and they have a community center were the main gathering is at. It reminded me somewhat of Apex with the music and atmosphere. The message was by Alec Shimizu.
Living an Audacious life Acts 8:26-39
*The holy spirit leads us Acts 8:26-29 (the spirit told philip, go to that chariot and stay near it.)
*The holy spirit helps us to understand scripture Acts 8:30-25; 1 cor 2:10; john 14:25-26 - (philip was only able to help the Ethiopian understand what the scripture said because he had studied that scripture and stored it in his heart and with the help of the holy spirit was able to have an understanding of it.)
*The holy spirit empowers us to do God's will Acts 8:36-39 (philip was a jew and wouldn't normally socialize with a well to do Ethiopian eunuch. philip went up to him because the holy spirit gave him boldness and the eunuch invited him in.)
He encouraged us to look at what our boundaries are (what is keeping us from sharing with others) and once we have identified those boundaries to pray and ask the lord for boldness and to remove those strongholds! Who in my life needs me to share Christ with them and because of boundaries I do not!
He ended with Matt 28:19-20 - the great commission and zech 4:6 - operate within the spirit "...by my spirit..."
Bible study with Zeraline: Zeraline and I had our first bible study on Wednesday and we started the book Discipleship essentials. it went very well and i was very challenged by her child like faith. We were talking about how we know that we have certain abilities through Christ but do we have the faith and boldness do act. I was telling her that i don't know if I do and she looked at me and said why not? The bible says that we have them so we do. so just do it! WOW! It was very good! I look forward to our next meeting this week!
New Hope: Went to a church this am called New Hope Leeward. it is a rather large church that is in 3 different locations, with the newest location starting today. my location was in a regal theater and they have a community center were the main gathering is at. It reminded me somewhat of Apex with the music and atmosphere. The message was by Alec Shimizu.
Living an Audacious life Acts 8:26-39
*The holy spirit leads us Acts 8:26-29 (the spirit told philip, go to that chariot and stay near it.)
*The holy spirit helps us to understand scripture Acts 8:30-25; 1 cor 2:10; john 14:25-26 - (philip was only able to help the Ethiopian understand what the scripture said because he had studied that scripture and stored it in his heart and with the help of the holy spirit was able to have an understanding of it.)
*The holy spirit empowers us to do God's will Acts 8:36-39 (philip was a jew and wouldn't normally socialize with a well to do Ethiopian eunuch. philip went up to him because the holy spirit gave him boldness and the eunuch invited him in.)
He encouraged us to look at what our boundaries are (what is keeping us from sharing with others) and once we have identified those boundaries to pray and ask the lord for boldness and to remove those strongholds! Who in my life needs me to share Christ with them and because of boundaries I do not!
He ended with Matt 28:19-20 - the great commission and zech 4:6 - operate within the spirit "...by my spirit..."
Bible study with Zeraline: Zeraline and I had our first bible study on Wednesday and we started the book Discipleship essentials. it went very well and i was very challenged by her child like faith. We were talking about how we know that we have certain abilities through Christ but do we have the faith and boldness do act. I was telling her that i don't know if I do and she looked at me and said why not? The bible says that we have them so we do. so just do it! WOW! It was very good! I look forward to our next meeting this week!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
more pictures
more pictures
more pictures
More Pictures
Manoa Falls Trail

Yesterday, Zeraline, Zeahne, and myself all packed into the car and with directions in hand headed East on H1. This was my first time driving east towards honolulu and waikiki on H1. LOTS of traffic - reminds of 75 in dayton at around 3pm. Anyway...we headed this way to go to Lyons Arboretum. I was excited at finding an arboretum in oahu and wanted to go see if it is anything like Cox Arboretum (one of my favorite places in dayton). So Zeahne had school off and we decided to go walk around and see what they had. We got there after driving a 1/4 mile through this one lane road that is covered overhead by a thick canopy of trees. we drove up this hill and past paradise park and up some more, saw the entrance to Manoa Falls Trail and then saw the sign for Lyons Arboretum...it was closed. I didn't realize that it was a state holiday. So, we turned around and drove back past the trail opening and stopped at this parking lot and talked to this guy about the trail. He said it was easy and doesn't require much...mind you we have a 7month pregnant lady and a 5 year old boy. we decided that it would be fun. So we parked got out and started hiking. Here are some pics of our fun. This is a beautiful place to go and see! God is so creative!

Okay, we have gone fishing twice since I have been here and both times they have caught NOTHING. These are the people who always catch fish and even sharks and eels. Wait...i take it back...Zeraline caught a puffer fish and Zeahne caught a dead crab. both of those....you can not eat. Hickam Harbor is really beautiful though. It is right next to Honolulu's Airport runway. the fish are used to it. When they go fishing, i usually bring and book and find a nice place to sit and i read, make phone calls, or just look out at the ocean. It is a very beautiful place and doesn't smell like fish.
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